I'm looking for extra spare trays for my Can-O-Worms - do you have some?

I’m sorry we stopped stocking Can-O-Worms in 2013 so have sold out several of spare trays (although we still stock moisture mats, lime mix, worm treat and complete rescue kits..[more info]

wormery faqs
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HELP! My Worms are Escaping.

Worms in a wormery sometimes try to escape. If it’s just one or two adventurous worms, it’s best not to be concerned.. [more info]

How do I separate my worms from the compost?

If you are using a tray system and are feeding at a speed the worms can cope with, then the bottom tray should be ready to harvest .. [more info]

composting wormery faqs
95% found this useful

Why use worms to compost.

In the UK it's estimated that households throw away about a third of the food they buy.. [more info]

composting wormery faqs
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Do woodlice cause a problem in my wormery?

No. Woodlice are primary composters so eat organic waste and produce compost so they can live along side your worm population.. [more info]

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Are composting worms - Earthworms?

The worms you need for domestic composting are still earthworms but are often termed surface litter worms:..[more info]

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How do I encourage worms in my garden?

If you can get a healthy population of worms in your soil they will make you an ongoing supply of topsoil so to encourage them to breed..[more info]

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What do worms do in the soil?

They can consume their own body weight per day in food and so this means that they are processing 90 kilos a year..[more info}

composting wormery faqs
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Can I add cooked food waste to my worm composter?

I would avoid this – first of all there’s the trudge to the bottom of the garden but also this sort of waste has a tendency to attract pests.. [more info]

What do I do about Maggots in my wormery?

The flies are attracted to food, in particular meat, and lay their eggs directly on the food waste.. [more info]

Shop Composting Worms

Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability

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Shop Our Worm Composting Range

The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.

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