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Wiggly Composting Quiz
Here’s a fun opportunity to test your compost knowledge! Dive into our 10-question multiple-choice quiz covering everything from bokashi and vermicomposting to garden composting. Whether you're a composting pro or just starting out, these questions will challenge your understanding of sustainable waste management and soil health. Complete the quiz and leave your email address for a chance to win an in-ground wormery with 250g of composting worms—a perfect setup to kick-start or enhance your composting journey!
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I Have Ants In The Wormery, What Should I Do?
Whilst ants don’t harm the worms as such, they will take the worm eggs.. [more info]
What Should I Do If I Have A Tray Full?
Once you fill one tray and it looks like worms soon will not have anything to eat, load the next tray as well as at the start. [read more]
HELP! My Worms are Escaping.
Worms in a wormery sometimes try to escape. If it’s just one or two adventurous worms, it’s best not to be concerned.. [more info]
What to do if there’s white mould growing in my bokashi bin?
This is good news. The white mould is actually a fungi and shows that the food waste is fermenting rather than putrefying.
What can I do about slugs in my wormery?
Slugs can be a challenge in your wormery so good to address them