How do I keep ants out of the Subpod?

Ants are attracted to dry conditions, so this is usually an indicator that your Subpod is too dry.

I have maggots in my wormery!

Maggots are the larvae of flies and usually gain access via eggs laid on the food scraps you put in.

How many Subpods do I need?

The average family generates 7kg (15lbs) of food waste a week, just for reference.

What temperature works best for a worm composting kit?

The ideal temperature range for a worm composting kit is between 55-77°F 13-25°C (55-77°F). This temperature range allows the worms to most efficiently process the organic matter, reproduce, and thrive.

Do you have to reintroduce new worms after you empty the compost?

When you empty your castings and compost, the worms will not be with the castings, but where the food is, on the other side of the Subpod divider.

Can I Add Cardboard To My Wormery?

Cardboard is great for your worm composter (as is a sprinkling of lime mix) A ratio of 25-30% volume of..Cardboard is great for your worm composter (as is a sprinkling of lime mix) A ratio of 25-30% volume of cardboard or equivalent will ensure speedier worm composting. Avoid the really shiny boxes like soap powder and go for newsprint, egg boxes etc. [more info]

composting wormery faqs
80% found this useful

What should and shouldn't I put into my wormery?

Composting with worms operates year-around. You can place your wormery either indoors or outdoors.. [read more]

wormery faqs
85% found this useful

How much food can my worms eat?

The amount of food that worms can eat depends on the size of your worm bin and the number of worms you have. As a general rule, worms can consume about half their body weight in food per day.

Shop Composting Worms

Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability

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Shop Our Worm Composting Range

The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.

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