Usually a lack of worm juice is one thing…
Your wormery composter is particularly suitable for peelings and leftovers of fruit and vegetables, such as potato peels, apple cores, green tops of vegetables, etc.
Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability.
Creating quality composts takes approximately 2-3 months.
You can do - they will definitely help work through the material.
Cardboard is great for your worm composter (as is a sprinkling of lime mix) A ratio of 25-30% volume of shredded cardboard or equivalent will ensure the compost doesn't get too wet and there is air circulating. Avoid the really shiny boxes like soap powder and go for newsprint, egg boxes etc.
Here are a few tell-tale signs; The majority of your compost has a deep, rich color - it will also have the same texture throughout.
What to do if the worms try to escape from your worm composter! There could be several reasons why your worms are trying to escape on the first night:
Do not put intensely spicy foods into your worm composter, such as ginger or an excessive amount of citruses, as well as milk products, meat products, bones, oils, lard and other fats.
Worm tea gives a real boost to your potted plants through the winter.
Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability
The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.