I would avoid this – first of all there’s the trudge to the bottom of the garden but also this sort of waste has a tendency to attract pests.. [more info]
The flies are attracted to food, in particular meat, and lay their eggs directly on the food waste.. [more info]
Competition July 2020
Whilst ants don’t harm the worms as such, they will take the worm eggs.. [more info]
They are not baby composting worms as these are the same colour as the worms, only smaller.. [more info]
Using your Compost The compost is very rich in nutrients and organic matter and can be used as an excellent medium to grow plants.. [more info]
If you cut a worm in half you do not end up with two surviving worms [more info]
Worms are hermaphrodite which means they have both male and female reproductive cells. However, it still takes two to tango… if you know what I mean!
Basically worms need food, air, and moisture – all of which are pretty easy to provide. Once you’ve understood that your wormery [more info]
Cardboard is great for your worm composter (as is a sprinkling of lime mix) A ratio of 25-30% volume of..Cardboard is great for your worm composter (as is a sprinkling of lime mix) A ratio of 25-30% volume of cardboard or equivalent will ensure speedier worm composting. Avoid the really shiny boxes like soap powder and go for newsprint, egg boxes etc. [more info]
Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability
The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.