How many worms do I need per Subpod?

You'll need a minimum of 1000 worms, but 2000 is better. If you really want to kick start your Subpod, you can add up to 4000 worms.

Does Subpod attract pests and rodents?

No it shouldn’t. Subpod’s built-in ventilation panels have small holes that keep out bugs, pests and rodents, whilst allowing air to flow in. Just make sure the ‘worm holes’ in the sides of the Subpod are covered with soil so nothing can sneak in.

How does DE Powder (Diatomaceous Earth) work?

It works by absorption of oils, waxes and lipids on the coat of insects, to which it is applied, whereby they lose water and of dehydration. [more...]

What food can I feed to my Worms?

Worms are decomposers and they consume organic matter and convert it into nutrient-rich compost.

Why isn’t my wormery producing any liquid?

Unless you are in a heatwave which can cause real evaporation the usual reason for a worm bin failing to produce liquid ..[more info]

My wormery is too wet - what can I do to help this?

Cardboard is great for your worm composter (as is a sprinkling of lime mix) A ratio of 25-30% volume of shredded cardboard or equivalent will ensure the compost doesn't get too wet and there is air circulating. Avoid the really shiny boxes like soap powder and go for newsprint, egg boxes etc.

How do worms breed?

Red worms are hermaphrodites which means they are both male and female (although it does take two to tango). [read more]

wormery faqs
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Should I Rake My Wormery Compost Regularly?

Not at all. The nosy among you beware and also make your children understand this - it's not useful to disturb the compost ..[read more]

wormery faqs
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How Can I Dilute And Use Worm Tea?

Worm tea is an excellent liquid fertiliser for herbs and indoor plants as well as the garden. [read more]

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Shop Composting Worms

Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability

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Shop Our Worm Composting Range

The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.

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