What to do if my Bokashi Bucket Smells?

If your kit begins to smell add a good handful more of Bokashi Bran as it is likely the waste is putrifying rather than fermenting.

How Do Worms Breathe?

Worms breathe through their skin which must remain moist to absorb oxygen from the air.

What pH level should my wormery be at?

Worms thrive at a pH of 6-8. Most kitchen waste is slightly acidic so do not overfeed with acidic wastes [more info]

How do I separate my worms from the compost?

If you are using a tray system and are feeding at a speed the worms can cope with, then the bottom tray should be ready to harvest .. [more info]

composting wormery faqs
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Can we leave the Subpod if we go away on holidays?

To keep the worms happy while you’re away, buy a pumpkin (or use one that is starting to rot), cut it in half and lay the open sides face down on the top of the bedding of the Subpod.

What temperature works best for a worm composting kit?

The ideal temperature range for a worm composting kit is between 55-77°F 13-25°C (55-77°F). This temperature range allows the worms to most efficiently process the organic matter, reproduce, and thrive.

Why isn’t my wormery producing any liquid?

Unless you are in a heatwave which can cause real evaporation the usual reason for a worm bin failing to produce liquid ..[more info]

Shop Composting Worms

Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability

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Shop Our Worm Composting Range

The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.

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