What should and shouldn't I put into my wormery?

Composting with worms operates year-around. You can place your wormery either indoors or outdoors.. [read more]

wormery faqs
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What to do if there’s white mould growing in my bokashi bin?

This is good news. The white mould is actually a fungi and shows that the food waste is fermenting rather than putrefying.

What to do if my Bokashi Liquid smells?

This liquid is a very potent fertiliser or drain cleaner and it can have a really strong smell so the best way to avoid this is to drain it regularly and use it.

Which worms are best for composting?

Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability.

What Happens If I Cut A Worm In Half - Does It End Up As Two?

If you cut a worm in half you do not end up with two surviving worms [more info]

composting wormery faqs
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What to do if there are maggots or insects in my Bokashi Bin.

Obviously these must have entered on your food waste in some form so the first step is to add your food waste more regularly to avoid this issue.

My worm bin has fruit flies - what should I do?

Composting is indeed a complete ecosystem but flies don’t need to be tolerated. [more...]

How do I harvest my worm compost without the worms?

There are a few methods to harvest worm compost without the worms:

What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of Composting Worms?

Without predators to chomp them in the wormery worms will live for upwards of three years! [read more]

wormery faqs
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Shop Composting Worms

Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability

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Shop Our Worm Composting Range

The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.

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