How does DE Powder (Diatomaceous Earth) work?

It works by absorption of oils, waxes and lipids on the coat of insects, to which it is applied, whereby they lose water and of dehydration. [more...]

What should I do about mites in my worm bin?

There are a few types of mite that love a worm composting kit and this is all normal and part of the ecosystem. However, as with most things if they start to take over the kit this can become a problem. There are two main types – a reddish brown mite and a white shiny round mite. Both are tiny and if numbers become huge they eat the food and your worms will tend to burrow deeper into the kit and this in turn stops the worms from reproducing as effectively.

Is The Wormery Composting Method Different At The Beginning From Later On?

Yes, and it's very important to remember this. Give your worms enough time to settle and reproduce, don't swamp them with food from the get-go. [read more]

wormery faqs
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What can I use the Bokashi Juice for?

Bokashi juice contains nutrients from the food waste and is packed with micro-organisms so it makes a great free fertiliser! [more...]

How do I harvest my worm compost without the worms?

There are a few methods to harvest worm compost without the worms:

Why use worms to compost.

In the UK it's estimated that households throw away about a third of the food they buy.. [more info]

composting wormery faqs
70% found this useful

Why have I got Fruit Flies in my Subpod?

Fruit flies can enter Subpod when you are adding your food waste. They can also get into the system before your food scraps are added to Subpod if there’s a loose lid.

What should I do once I have filled one tray in my worm composting kit?

Once you have filled one tray in your worm composting kit, there are a few things you can do to continue the composting process:

The Wiggly Wigglers Catalogue

You can either download a PDF copy of our wiggly catalogue, or request a physical copy to be sent to you through the post.

What pH level should my wormery be at?

Worms thrive at a pH of 6-8. Most kitchen waste is slightly acidic so do not overfeed with acidic wastes [more info]

Shop Composting Worms

Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability

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Shop Our Worm Composting Range

The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.

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