How long does it take for Bokashi waste to break down?

In the bin: It ferments in about 10–14 days, depending on the temperature.

In the soil factory: Once added to soil, it takes 4–6 weeks to transform into rich, crumbly compost, ready to use in your garden.

Burying directly: If you bury it in your garden, it breaks down within about 2-4 weeks, although this can vary based on soil temperature and activity.

Bokashi is faster than traditional composting because the fermentation kickstarts the breakdown process.

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Our composting worms are mixture of species (mainly reds and dendras) selected for their composting ability

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The Urbalive Worm Composter is a home wormery kit that can be used indoors or outdoors for composting kitchen waste with the red worms. The perfect wormery for households, classrooms or offices.

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